Naomi L. Klein



Your Compass | Issue 10 – “Happy Memorial Day!”

Memorial Day weekend and the warm weather is here! It's a great time to pause and consider the true meaning of this holiday. Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in service for the United States.

Your Compass | Issue 9 – “Happy April Fools Day!”

It is officially spring! The sun is out and we have a whole day dedicated to pranking! While I can't save you from being pranked tomorrow, I can clarify some frequent myths and misconceptions of real estate so you aren't pranked in the real estate market!

Your Compass | Issue 8 – “Tis the season…”

With the holidaze under way, I hope you are enjoying cookies (sugar and gluten-free), festive drinks (enter green juice of choice) and white elephant gifts (insert the most absurd gift you have ever seen).

Your Compass | Issue 7 – “In the News”

In the midst of a very busy and HOT Summer with real estate and market trends I got to celebrate Compass’s Hampton’s Launch party, which was pretty legendary!

Your Compass | Issue 6 – “The Graduation Issue”

Friends and clients, I am excited to bring you issue 6 of "Your Compass" THE GRADUATION ISSUE, taking you behind the scenes of what's important in the real estate community and beyond!

Your Compass | Issue 5 – “The Summer Vacation Issue”

Friends and clients, I am excited to bring you issue 5 of "Your Compass" THE SUMMER VACATION ISSUE, taking you behind the scenes of what's important in the real estate community and beyond!

Your Compass | Issue 4 – “The Entertainment Issue”

Friends and clients, I am excited to bring you issue 4 of "Your Compass" THE ENTERTAINMENT ISSUE, taking you behind the scenes of what's important in the real estate community and beyond!

Your Compass | Issue 3 – “Valentine’s Day!”

Newsflash fellas, she knows the big game is over and Valentine’s Day is this Sunday. Luckily, we've got the post game Valentine's Day strategy covered. So, mark your calendars, call your assistants or get online, and book reservations for an enjoyable, well thought out Valentine’s Day or wee...

Your Compass | Issue 2 – “The Football Issue”

Friends and clients, I am excited to bring you issue 2 of "Your Compass" THE FOOTBALL ISSUE, taking you behind the scenes of what's important in the real estate community and beyond! With the NFL returning to Los Angeles with the LA Rams, there is no doubt the sports world believes in the City of A...

Your Compass | Issue 1 – “Welcome 2016!”

Welcome 2016! With the New Year under way, we're listing below what we found to be our top 10 New Year's resolutions... we wonder if any of these made it onto your list! I look forward to staying connected with you as a friend and trusted real estate advisor.